
Hair Transplant Before making a decision on hair transplant it’s worth asking your transplant surgeon how many procedures a day he performs. Each and every doctor, even the best one, has only one pair of hands, and FUE hair transplant procedure takes the whole day in most cases. Personally, I never schedule more than one […]

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How many hair follicles can be transplanted safely? Thanks to the modern FUE method, hair transplant has become a procedure which more and more patients suffering from baldness decide to undertake. A short recovery period (only 5-7 days) as well as no linear scars at the back of the head make it possible for patients […]

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What blood check-ups should be done by women losing their hair? The problem of hair loss can be experienced by almost everyone, regardless of sex. Baldness is not an affliction that only men suffer from; women who are affected by it have much more to lose… When men lose their hair, it’s usually the back […]

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Food that helps keep your hair healthy The causes of hair loss vary from stress, to genetic background, to hormonal problems, and these are just a few of the possible options. We cannot influence some of them (e.g. genetic factors), others can be treated effectively, but there are also some that you can sometimes eliminate […]

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The ideal way to make your hair look healthy again And what if the sky was always blue, you could sleep as long as you wished, and all the people were healthy and with perfect hair on their heads? Unfortunately, there is no such world without its problems. Yet “nothing is impossible” actually stems from […]

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