Hair Center Kierach Your one Stop Destination for Falling Hairs

Hair Center Kierach Your one Stop Destination for Falling Hairs

  • A famous saying says: ‘When February comes, hobnail your shoes’. Here in Poland we are experiencing a nice spring this wintertime, though. This is exactly as it should be because after a hair transplant you shouldn’t wear any hats as they can damage newly-transplanted hair follicles. Above-zero temperatures are an easy solution to the problem.
  • Facebook asks how I am getting on. Hair transplants, consultation meetings and article writing for my blog, which soon starts in an updated and tuned version. An intense and hectic week is in full swing.
  • I always remind my patients that a proper diet has a great influence on the condition of their hair! The fight with hair loss should be started with changes in your diet, as it must never be deficient in products full of vitamin A and vitamin E, zinc, iron and B vitamins. Healthy food will not solve all the problems related to hair loss, but meals rich in valuable nutrients will definitely help you succeed.
  • Results, results, results – this is what pleases us most at work! When it comes to a hair transplant, you don’t have to wait long for them as modern medicine enables us to recover healthy and strong hair in just half a year! Are you ready for such a change on your head? Send the most current photo of your hair in a questionnaire form at – we shall see what can be done so that you can enjoy the WOW effect in a few months!
  • 2020 is already a few weeks old. People who added healthy hair to their list of New Year’s resolutions are encouraged to contact us via a questionnaire form available at or call us and register for a consultation meeting. I can help you fulfill this resolution as soon as springtime!
  • The obsession of healthy hair has already spread all over the world! This patient got to my office straight from Los Angeles. Just a few more hair follicles and he can return to the USA with a great souvenir – thick hair on his head!
  • Hair transplant is best performed with an interesting audiobook in the background. When the hands and the eyes are busy with work, the ears can afford a little slack. So I have a question – what book would you prefer to listen to while the hair transplant procedure? I am open to any suggestions!
  • During the procedure it’s important to analyse the extracted material thoroughly. That’s why a doctor’s assistant present in the room always counts hair follicles and checks under the microscope how many hairs are in each of them. The assistant also plays an important role in the follicle transplant – it is her who puts them into implanters. In HairCenterKierach, it is Magda who is responsible for these duties (see the photo).
  • Healthy and thick hair in less than six month? That is possible! See the proof in the photo – the head of a patient six months ago and today. Solution used: FUE hair transplant.
  • This is what the patient’s head looks like after four skin micropuncture procedures! This method gives great results in the fight against hair loss by stimulating the production of growth factors in the area of hair follicles. A patient who notices the problem of alopecia (baldness) should contact a doctor immediately. It is to your disadvantage when you postpone a consultation meeting for too long – it may be too late for many simple solutions.
  • It is important to speak openly about your expectations in the doctor’s office so that the doctor of aesthetic medicine can be able to fully understand the needs of the patient. Bear in mind that it is possible to choose the best solutions only on the basis of a detailed medical history. Communication is the core, that’s why at HairCenterKierach we tend to speak and discuss at every stage of the whole process of hair transplant.