What blood check-ups should be done by women losing their hair?

What blood check-ups should be done by women losing their hair?

The problem of hair loss can be experienced by almost everyone, regardless of sex. Baldness is not an affliction that only men suffer from; women who are affected by it have much more to lose… When men lose their hair, it’s usually the back and the sides of the head that are not affected by the problem, whereas women can lose hair practically all over the head. Discomfort associated with hair loss can have different shapes and forms –  from the dissatisfaction with your appearance to even depression. Let’s not forget that women who are considered ‘fair sex’ pay a lot of attention to healthy-looking and well-kept hair as it is an attribute of attractive appearance. So what should patients do to stop the process of hair loss? Contact a doctor as soon as possible – he will find the source of your problem. Blood check-ups are not so helpful to find the root of the problem.

What blood check-ups to do?

The reasons why women lose hair can differ. They often stem from everyday problems such as an inappropriate diet or stress; however, the most common reason is hormonal disorders resulting from menopause. Women suffer from baldness less often than men; if it appears, it can lead to total hair loss and have dramatic consequences. That’s why it is of crucial importance to take quick and effective measures. Blood check-ups are often helpful to make a precise diagnosis. What check-ups can a woman be asked to do? The most common ones are full blood morphology, TSH (hormone active in thyroid gland), iron, CRP, vitamin D3, LH, FSH, testosterone, auto-antibodies and prolactin serum.

How to interpret check-up results?

Based on the performed check-ups, a doctor identifies the source of the problem. We must remember that it is crucial to find the real cause of the problem – without it, it is difficult to find an effective solution and take specific measures (e.g. hair transplant). The sooner we consult a doctor, the higher the chance of implementing an effective pharmacological treatment – it may not fully eliminate the problem but it may surely lower the cost of a hair transplant in the future. When you postpone a doctor’s appointment, you may lose a considerable number of follicles, which leaves doctors with no choice but to implement a surgical treatment. Let’s remember that it is the doctor who finally decides on the treatment  – some methods which are effective for some patients may be harmful for others.